Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Peace Among Religions > Page 4


Consecrating Each Other, In Faith

World Religions and Peace

Page 4

This type of tragic pessimism is a seemingly unsolvable problem and it stems out of a deeper struggle. Many musicians and advocates have felt discouraged about it. The issue of war left John Lennon, an atheist, crying out with his guitar 'give peace a chance', as though he were a beggar by the gate called Beautiful . Sure these songs make the top of the charts, and are created from a sincere conflict, but are people responding to the message?

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There will never be a lasting cure-all for maintaining inter-religious peace. There is never a way to force people to do the right thing. However, there are things that help, and these things can help dramatically. In this, peace activists can find continual hope and encouragement. To fight for peace is to do the right thing.

Focusing on the common threads throughout the fabric of mother religion's dress and her daughters' bloodline will be essential to her recovery. Political treaties is another thing that will prevent war, but inevitably the most potent method of instilling peace in a volatile world is self-conviction and independent activism. Mother Theresa once put it this way, "We cannot do great things on this earth, only small things with great love."

The possibility of one precious heart to change many should not leave us hopeless, rather one ought to realize that small acts of peace will effectively combat a larger war. Also, the fight for peace is not just for saints, doctors, lawyers, the religious, politicians, and ambassadors, but it is for you and me. Instead of a continual chain of evil, let us stand for a continual chain of good.


Therefore, let us be doers of the word and give peace a chance. Simple action is not foolish action, but it is what humankind is called to on a personal basis.

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Progressive inter-faith connection is a challenging movement. To define this movement briefly, one ought to describe it as being a process of total removal of religious boundary and stereotypical presuppositions. This kind of movement will require social and political activism, counseling, training, education and exemplary action.

What makes inter-faith connection progressive is a complete accommodation of ideas, a sincere desire to understand without bias, and tolerant attitudes. All of these things will stem from a personal change of heart, or an educator. All of these things are not the same as a universal incorporation of doctrine. Again, one does not have to impose a universal faith to tear down hindrances and false ideologies keeping people from relating to one another in peaceful ways despite differences.

This kind of passive methodology for integration will serve as a bridge over troubled water and alleviate pressure. It is quite successful. This kind of religious union is liberating, because people learn to grow stronger in their own faith and to obey more properly. People learn to cooperate in the world and achieve a fuller fulfillment of life.

When people join together to focus on similarities rather than differences and advocate for peace, religion will function as she is supposed to and war will end. Also, when people learn to connect together, under the direction of a mediator, results can be remarkable.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > Peace Among Religions > Page 4

©Brian Wilcox 2025